Enough about me, and now about the Weekend of Bike. And what a weekend of bike it was! Saturday was the Double Trouble Alley Cat event, while Sunday was bike part swap, and polo, followed by a relaxed Monday cruise. It was a long weekend here in the Sunny State so all the events were managed to be squeezed in!
Saturday's Alley Cat as the name suggests used a team of two format. Riders had to compete individual legs as well as some dual events. Overall length was around 25km, with individuals competing for roughly 13km each. The particular checkpoint that I was man-ing (along with Jules and Zoe - very friendly chicks to hang out with for an hour!) had contestants riding up probably the second steepest street in Brissy. Some people didn't even make it all the way up, having instead to resort to hauling the bike over their shoulder. One particular contestant nearly losing their lunch at the top was a highlight (or is that lowlight?)!
Some photos from the event:

Pre-race milling. We had the whole footpath as well as most of the space inside Alibi Room. Lots and lots of bikes. It was awesome to see everyone out in force.

The pre-race briefing. 24 individuals; 12 teams altogether.

Sunday's bike part swap meet was a first for Brissy, with lots and lots of people gathering to collect some schwag. The turn out exceeded expectations! Local rider Dan managed to haul his BBQ on his bike trailer, while riding fixed. And if that wasn't impressive enough, I later discovered that he rode through Highgate Hill which is a very steep area!
Polo later that afternoon was intense, with the court being rotated 90 degrees to allow more room and thus more players at a time. At one point I believe we had a 5 on 5 game. Very, very intense! Shenanigans between races included a bike stack/pile.

All the bikes shown were self supported. The two bottom bikes were leaning on their own pedal cages, while the upper bikes were precariously balanced on top! In the end I believe there were 5 bikes in total.
In case I haven't mentioned it enough before, come along to Polo! It is held every Sunday at Musgrave Park in West End, starting at 3pm and running till dusk. Find out more here...
Mondays event was a Fixed gear cruise to Wynnum. Unfortunately I was unable to make this cruise, but I did hear that Kath's muffins were ridiculously good! The cruise was so popular that it looks like it may become a regular monthly event! Bring on the muffins and ride I say!
And that ended the weekend of bike. Back to the grind we go!...
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