[BOcrew member, Gypsy has been in Melbourne since Friday soaking up the vibes and representing BOgear. Here is his first installment on the madness that is Melbourne!]
Melbourne, sunny one minute, windy and raining the next! Landed on Friday morning at about 8am and was greated by the heat and humidity straight away. Making the most of the sunny weather myself and Erik (GearBrisbane) took a tour through Melbourne on the bikes.
Friday included, coffee with Andy White (www.fyxomatosis.com) at Brother Baba Budan (http://brotherbababudan.com.au/), an appointment with Dan at Shifter Bikes (www.shifterbikes.com), lunch at the Victoria Markets, Acclaim Magazine launch party at The Heist and finished it up with spectating the night session at the UCI track world cup in Melbourne. Managed to fit in beers at the Carlton club post World Cup before hitting the hay for the night. [gee Gypsy... sounds like being a rep is a hard job!]
Saturday was by far the best experience I have had in Melbourne. After sleeping in past the alarms we got breakfast and headed to Pony Bikes (http://ponybikes.blogspot.com/) for the Ring Of Fire Alleycat, Roller Racing and all night party. The alleycat was intense. Started at about 2pm and was spread across the whole of Melbourne. I managed to catch a ride with a few of the faster locals which made finding checkpoints a lot easier! I scored $20 + beers + Skin Grows Back hip pouch for my efforts which I was more then happy with! [Gypsy managed to get 1st out of towner, as well as 3rd overall - BOgear represent!] Roller racing kicked off at about 4:30ish about the same time as when the skys opened up and soaked Melbourne. Wicked atmosphere all night with good tunes and epic roller racing til late. Thanks must go Pony bikes, Brenden and Nick and to Lane and Brian for their theatrics. Great event all round and better then any fixed gear event I've been involved in.

Since Erik left Sunday, not much has been happening. Just lots of riding and plenty of coffee. I met up with some fixed freestyle riders at the Melbourne museum who I will be riding with hopefully tonight or later this week. I am heading out to the track tonight to watch some Keiren racing. Gotta finish up quickly because my time at the internet cafe is running out fast. I shall blog again hopefully on the weekend after the Australia National Polo Tournament.
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