Backyard Blam

Will you happen to be in Portland, Oregon, USA on February 5th & 6th?  How about nearby?  If so, get your sweet behind down to this event:

Backyard Blam... organised by Amanda Sundvor from 21st Ave Bikes
This is an event not to be missed; featuring everything on two wheels, not just fixed specific, or DH specific, or road specific.  Don't believe me?  Then here is an explanation of the event in Amanda's own words:

Backyard blam... sprints, fixed gear trick comp, and a bike art show.  The 5th will be a DH Slalom, something with the pump track [check out last years pump track!], and a brutal game called dead goat or carcass keepaway [BOnote: We have no idea what this is, but it does sound brutal!].  The Backyard Blam from last year consisted of open sprints, a pump track time trial, quickstop, and for the more advanced crowd, pump track p-i-g.  Since then we have made the pump track bigger, better, and we added a wall ride which I am pretty sure falls under 'better', but it is worth mentioning.

Want to find out more about this event?  Then head over to their dedicated blog.  Once there, check out what we donated... a green Babycandy, and a fresh set of Strap Ons!  Let the good times roll!


  1. I found coverage of last years a while and thought then that it looked like a blast! Don't think I'll get there this year unfortunately.
    Been meaning to drop a comment for ages now, was great to meet you and the rest of the guys in Melbourne.
    Best of luck for the new year
    -Dan (Ivan Mallet)

  2. It does look like a barrel of laughs! What I like most about almost all the images are the big shit eating grins that everyone has. They could literally eat a banana sideways! Everyone is having a good time no matter what they are riding nor how they are going.

    We need more events like these locally - perhaps the Brisbane crew can get their shit together in time for the Polo Nationals this year. Will you be representing again?

  3. If I'm in the country I'll be there with bells [pads] on.
    I dearly hope not to be in the country though and I'm really hoping to be able to check out as many of these sort of events as possible!
