GEAR Shop Brisbane

Our original stockist, and keen supporter or all things BOgear, GEAR Brisbane have recently revamped their store.  If you have not been down to check it out, I highly recommend you do!  The boys have done a fantastic job which blows the old space out of the water.

These photos are lifted directly from the GEAR blog, and unfortunately don't do the space justice.  I really recommend checking it out in person!  The amount of gear in the small space is impressive!

The shop area itself is quite hard to set up as it is below ground, and an awkward triangular space.  Yet Erik has done a good job of making the space seem much bigger than it looks.  This is mainly achieved through the use of height.

Bikes & frames are now stored high on the walls...

while clothes and the like are on the "dark side" of the store

But what really blew my mind (and perhaps because I am biased!) is the display of bags... very impressive!  Keep an eye out for new BOgear bags as they find their way into this space!

Again, big congratulations to Erik... your shop is amazing mate!

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